Prolapse Specialist

Center for Urogynecology and Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery
Rafael J. Perez, MD, FACOG
Urogynecologist & Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeon located in South Miami, FL
Pelvic organ prolapse causes pain, incontinence and other symptoms that can interfere with quality of life. At the Center for Urogynecology and Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery in South Miami, FL, Dr. Rafael Perez uses minimally-invasive approaches to treat prolapse, repairing damage and restoring support for long-term relief of symptoms.
Vaginal/Female Pelvic Prolapse Q&A
What is female pelvic prolapse?
Female pelvic prolapse is a condition where the ligaments and other supportive tissues in the pelvic area become weak or damaged and no longer provide adequate support for the pelvic organs, including the uterus, vagina, bladder, and rectum. Several factors can contribute to prolapse, including older age, multiple vaginal births, smoking, chronic constipation, obesity, steroid use and traumatic injury or damage. Women who have hysterectomies are also more prone to prolapse.
What are the symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse?
The symptoms of prolapse can vary depending on the type of prolapse and how extensive it is. Common symptoms include:
- feelings of pain or pressure in the vagina
- bulge in or near the vaginal opening
- bladder symptoms including leakage, increased urgency to urinate and inability to completely empty the bladder
- painful intercourse
- chronic urinary tract infections
- constipation or difficulty emptying the bowels
- lower back pain
- discomfort in the lower belly or vaginal area when sitting for long periods
What types of pelvic organ prolapse are there?
There are five primary types of female pelvic prolapse:
- bladder prolapse (cystocele)
- rectal prolapse (rectocele)
- intestinal prolapse (enterocele)
- uterine prolapse
- vaginal prolapse, which occurs when the upper portion of the vagina (the vaginal vault) slips down into the lower portion of the vagina, sometimes protruding beyond the vaginal opening
How is pelvic organ prolapse treated?
Pelvic organ prolapse can have a significant impact on quality of life, but in recent years, advances in prolapse surgery have resulted in significant strides in prolapse treatment. Also called sacrocolpopexy, prolapse surgery uses a special supportive mesh to hold the pelvic organs in place. Most surgeries can be performed using minimally-invasive approaches including robot-assisted techniques using the da VinciĀ® surgical robot system for superior outcomes and faster recovery. During surgery, the robotic device is controlled by the surgeon to perform complex portions of the surgery with a very high degree of accuracy. Women with very mild prolapse symptoms may benefit from noninvasive treatments like pessaries (devices inserted into the vagina to improve support) or treatments aimed at managing specific symptoms like incontinence.
We accept most major insurance plans. If you have questions about your elegibility or coverage, please call our office. We are happy to help you.