Reasons Why You're Struggling With Vaginal Laxity

Reasons Why You're Struggling With Vaginal Laxity

When you think of the signs of aging, you may think of lines, wrinkles, and maybe some weight gain around the belly. But aging affects your whole body, including the delicate tissues of your vagina. 

Vaginal laxity describes a condition in which the vagina loses its natural elasticity, tone, and lubrication. Often, the vaginal walls become thin, sore, and brittle. 

While vaginal laxity is common, women don’t generally talk about it, perhaps because they consider it a normal part of aging or don’t think treatment can help — two assumptions that are incorrect.

Rafael J. Perez, MD, FACOG, and our team at the Center for Urogynecology and Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery offer state-of-the-art FemiLift® treatment, focused on restoring vaginal tone and function. 

In this post, learn six reasons why you could be suffering from the signs and symptoms of vaginal laxity.


Menopause is called “the change of life” for good reason: It ushers in a lot of changes — some positive, some not-so-positive. One of those changes is a decline in estrogen that can lead to a loss of vaginal tone and an increase in vaginal dryness and discomfort. 

Vaginal changes during menopause are sometimes referred to as vaginal atrophy, a collection of symptoms that can take a big toll on your comfort and your self-confidence.

Vaginal childbirth

Vaginal childbirth puts significant strain on the walls and structure of your vagina and your pelvic region in general. The pressures exerted during labor and delivery can weaken the pelvic floor muscles and stretch the ligaments that support pelvic organs. 

These effects are heightened in women who’ve had multiple vaginal births or prolonged labor.

Chronic constipation

Occasional constipation isn’t unusual. But if you have chronic constipation, regular straining on the toilet can weaken pelvic muscles that help maintain normal vaginal tone and function. Chronic coughing can also cause a loss of tonicity and tightness in the vaginal canal.

Age-related changes

As you get older, collagen production declines. You can see this effect in wrinkles and sagging jowls, but it also happens in other tissues, including the tissues that provide vaginal support and tonicity. 

At the same time, mucus production declines, leading to vaginal dryness, pain, and irritation.

Significant weight changes

It’s not unusual to gain weight as you get older, especially when your hormone levels decline or when aches, pains, and a busy schedule keep you from exercising the way you should. 

While a little weight gain probably won’t lead to vaginal laxity, significant gains put extra pressure on the muscles and ligaments that support your pelvic organs. Over time, that pressure can weaken muscles and reduce support, leading to laxity.

FemiLift: Treating vaginal laxity

You might be able to improve vaginal tone with Kegel exercises, but to reap the benefits, you’d need to perform countless repetitions and maintain your routine indefinitely. Even then, you may not see results. 

FemiLift can provide improvements in just a single treatment session, while regular touch-ups can help maintain those results. 

FemiLift uses laser energy to stimulate collagen production inside the vaginal walls, increasing elasticity and tone while restoring lubrication. We deliver laser energy using a special wand-shaped device specifically designed for vaginal comfort.

With FemiLift, we treat patients right in our office in about 30 minutes with no need for anesthesia. Afterward, there’s no downtime, and you can begin to see results within a few weeks. Regular touch-ups help you maintain better vaginal health as you get older.

You don’t have to suffer from vaginal laxity. To learn how FemiLift can restore your vaginal tone, your comfort, and your confidence, call us at 305-240-6047 to request an appointment at our South Miami, Florida, office today.

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